Nature, Outdoors, Water, Swamp, Animal, Reptile, Sea Life, Turtle, Mammal, Livestock, Sheep, Rodent, Bird, Wildlife, Beaver, alive, animal, big, biodiversity, black-bellied, conservation, coypu, day, duck, ecology, eco-tourism, environment, environmental, fauna, fur, invasive, large, life, living, Louisiana, mammal, mammalogy, nature, nuisance, nutria, omnivore, organism, outdoors, outside, rat, reflex, river, rodent, science, sleeping, stream, sunning, swamp, swimmer, tail, turtle, water, web-footed, wet, wetlands, whisker, whistling, wild, wilderness, zoology, outdoor, district, wetness, biology, seat, wetland, traveler, skill, clothing, discipline, annoyance, shirt, whistle, bottom, nonuniformity, sweater, life science, improvement, stimulation, moisture, heterogeneity, louisiana, bird, twenty-four hours, eater, american state, turtleneck, situation, disfavor, difference, tourism, sleep, sound, commerce, transaction, rejection, diverseness, aquatic bird, hair's-breadth, state, experience, transformation, person, waterfowl, dissimilarity, consumer, jersey
Two nutria (Myocastor coypus) sleeping while two out of focus turtles sun nearby and an out of focus flock of black-bellied whistling-ducks (Dendrocygna autumnalis) feed in the background