Nature, Outdoors, Animal, Bird, Flying, Plant, Vegetation, Water, Field, Swamp, Pond, Grass, Countryside, Tree, Woodland, Grassland, Farm, Pasture, Flock, alive, animal, Aves, backdrop, background, beak, bill, biodiversity, biology, bird, birding, birdwatching, conservation, day, diversity, dowitcher, duck, ecology, environment, environmental, fauna, feathers, flight, flock, flying, greater, horizontal, ibis, impoundment, life, living, long-billed, natural, nature, organism, ornithology, outdoors, outside, scene, science, two, vertebrate, water, white-faced, wild, wilderness, wildlife, wing, yellowlegs, zoology, running away, outdoor, seizure, life science, achiever, wading bird, escape, writing, skill, passage, sandpiper, discipline, twenty-four hours, variety, dissimilarity, travel, direction, air travel, improvement, 2, aves, feather, heterogeneity, scenery, stage set, appropriation, mouth, disfavor, acquiring, difference, nonuniformity, class, orifice, great, document, rejection, diverseness, aquatic bird, experience, transformation, person, waterfowl, snipe, situation, shorebird
Huge flock of long-billed dowitchers (Limnodromus scolopaceus) and greater yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca) flying over a duck impoundment with two white-faced ibises (Plegadis chihi)