Machine, Wheel, Bicycle, Transportation, Vehicle, Car, Car Wheel, Alloy Wheel, Spoke, background, bicycle, bike, black, cable, chain, city, clip, close, closed, closeup, combination, cord, crime, cycle, cycling, equipment, isolated, key, lock, long, metal, object, old, on, padlock, plastic, protection, rope, safe, safeguard, safety, secure, security, silver, single, solid, sport, steal, steel, stolen, strength, strong, studio, system, theft, thief, vertical, wheel, move, direction, one, 1, end, district, ordering, decision, mechanism, machine, case, unity, wheeled vehicle, wrongdoing, vehicle, maneuver, metropolis, mixture, conductor, urban area, choice, diversion, urban center, box, strongbox, photograph, ace, fastener, transgression, workplace, alloy, precaution, round
A damaged bike wheel is all that is left of a bicycle chained to a bike stand. Stolen bicycle. Chained bicycle wheel.