Tar, Road, Tarmac, asphalt, auto, automobile, background, car, chemical, clean, collateral, diesel, dirty, disaster, empty, energy, engine, environment, factory, finance, fuel, gas, gasoline, green, industrial, industry, leaf, leak, liquid, motor, natural, nature, oil, petrol, petroleum, pollution, power, pump, refueling, road, roads, ruddy, safety, spill, stain, station, street, surface, tank, transportation, travel, wet, soil, interest, macromolecule, facility, fossil fuel, wetness, motor vehicle, internal-combustion engine, mishap, achiever, fueling, slip, escape, mill, hydrocarbon, unclean, dirtiness, misfortune, impurity, environmental condition, armored vehicle, machine, wheeled vehicle, moisture, vehicle, red, molecule, plant, lipid, security interest, dirt, heat engine, crimson, paving, fall, trouble, provision, tragedy, catastrophe, tracked vehicle, commerce, transaction, soiled, plant part, anchorage, route, flow, person, calamity, military vehicle, foliage
Puddle of motor oil and gasoline on the asphalt road seeps into a nearby sewer grate. Oil stain on the asphalt surface seeps into the storm drainage system.