Cat and/or dog in action

a client
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We need around 6 photos of cat or dog (can be both together) showing action/movement like jumping, running and playing.

If indoor photos: please, choose a classy ambient - room, living room, home in general, work space, cars (not showing the animal's head out of the window) - with a bit of sophistication.

If outdoor: also a beautiful cenary, but can not be a beach - try pool, street, garage, sidewalks...

About the dog: a healthy and beautiful one - we need all sizes, but the client likes more the tinny ones

About the cat: a healthy and beautiful one

About the action: be creative - the photo only need to show that the animal is having fun or is strong or concentrated in the movement - what we want is to see the movement in the hair, in the face, in the tongue of the animal

We can buy more pictures if the client falla in love with your idea - but the initial briefing says: full body and in a context

Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Thanks for the nominations!
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!! ;-))
10 years ago - Thank you so very much for the nomination!!!
10 years ago - Biscuit (woof) and I are very pleased with our nominations 😃
10 years ago - Thank you for the nominations! I love dogs!!
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!!
10 years ago - Love this request!!