Life experiences full of passion using SCRIBA APP

Scriba mobile App social marketing
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We are looking for wonderful lifestyle images taken from our App SCRIBA !

SCRIBA is in a Beta version testing and we are glad to give the opportunity to all our Participants to be our First Scriba users! Start doing your own Life Library into our new App with all your life moments to be saved.

We will be selecting multiple shots at $30 a photo so upload plenty. Photos will be used for our social networking channels.

To start shooting just download SCRIBA from iOS or Android Stores, it is free!

“Everything in life is a story just waiting to be written!” Scriba is a social mobile app and platform that enables anyone to easily document and save their life’s moments and experiences as they happen. By combining text, pictures and locations into immersive stories we help people to turn these memories into a never-ending digital book of their life.

Looking forward to meet your wonderful shots!

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Required (if applicable)
Paid Post to Instagram :
Animals Birthdays Events Families Food and Drink Holidays Kids Nature Travel Weddings
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

8 years ago - thanx for the nomination... waiting for the results....
8 years ago - Thank you again for the nomination!
8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination !!
8 years ago - Thank you so much for nominations
8 years ago - Hi everybody, we really thank all of the Participants for all the passion each of you put in our Scriba Challenge! We'll surely create other Challenges looking for creative shots building Scriba books with new great features we'll launch! Looking forward to meet you soon again! TKS to Snapwire too!
8 years ago - Dear Barbara is the nomination still going on?
8 years ago - Thank you for nominating another of my photos. I'm glad you're enjoying my photos! 😁
8 years ago - Many thanks to you all!! Was a pleasure nominate all your works, we appreciated a lot your creativity and we'll organize other Scriba challenges soon.. our App is in progress growing step by step.. keep in touch and Enjoy! ;)
8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination! Much appreciated. Cool app, thanks for sharing.
8 years ago - @BarbaraPhotoArt thank you for the nomination. U made my day! Finally I could convince you with one of my tries on the Scriba App ;)
8 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!!!!
8 years ago - Thanks for the nomination! :)
8 years ago - Much Appreciated!:)
8 years ago - Thanks for the nominatio
8 years ago - Thank you, Barbara, for the nomination! I'm honored 😄
8 years ago - thank you for my first nomination:)
8 years ago - thank you for the nomination 😁
8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination much appreciated !!
8 years ago - Thank you t
8 years ago - Hi @Trevis you should first download the App on your mobile and then take a picture into Scriba. The challenge is about Scriba pictures, you should take a shot to your mobile with the picture taken with Scriba! Then you can also use Scriba to build your own library of life experiences.
8 years ago - Is there feature within the app that adds a phone to the screen or is that something you have to edit in. Also I didn't see anything about a phone in the description and was wondering how everyone knew to add one
8 years ago - Thanks a lot for the nomination!!
8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!
8 years ago - Thank you a lot for the nominations !!!
8 years ago - Thank you for the nominations!
8 years ago - Thanks!!!
8 years ago - You are all welcome! We are improving step by step our Beta version with your kind help, so if you where not able to access through FB connect last week, please try again and it could be fixed! We are looking forward your kind suggestions: - Continue submitting your Chapters! ;)
8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination :)
8 years ago - thanks for the nominations..
8 years ago - Thank you so much for nomination
8 years ago - thanks for the nomination..☺☺
8 years ago - Thank you!!😊
8 years ago - thanks for the nominations☺☺
8 years ago - Grazie per la nomination! Thank you for the nomination!
8 years ago - @Doriano esatto, il Challenge, come scritto nel Brief, richiede l'utilizzo della nostra App. Funziona con gli ultimi sistemi operativi. Saremo felici di vederti partecipare ;) Puoi seguire anche le nostre pagine su facebook e instagram
8 years ago - ciao barbara grazie dell'informazione. se metto una o più immagini sulla tuo request, non verranno valutate se non sei iscritto a scriba?
8 years ago - @InfiniteMoments thanks for your kind messagge. To send us feedback please write an email to and we will answer asap. We really appreciate every suggestion! Our App is in Beta testing now and is growing step by step! Looking forward to meet all your Scriba books into our App! ;)
8 years ago - Ciao @Doriano grazie per il messaggio, l'app è in versione Beta e puoi usarla solo con FB connect, ti consiglio di creare un profilo fb per poterla usare, apprezziamo molto ogni suggerimento, siamo in continua trasformazione per migliorare sempre di più la UX per i futuri Scriba Authors!
8 years ago - Much appreciated! Thanks!
8 years ago - I got as far as adjusting which parts of fb are allowed by me. Then it won't continue. Looks like a fantastic app. Looking forward to this challenge. I would also like to test the markers too.
8 years ago - I am having a problem opening the app.
8 years ago - I downloaded scriba. but I do not have facebook account. can I register with other accounts?
8 years ago - Thanks again!
8 years ago - Thank you so much for the nominations! :D
8 years ago - Thank you so very much for the nomination! Much appreciated :)
8 years ago - @Jodie, yes we need to have the smartphone inside picture, as the Nominated photos tell. ;)
8 years ago - Hi! Thanks to all participants and go to build your Photo Books inside Scriba, so you will be ready for next Challenge that maybe will be about our photo books contents! ;) Enjoy.. If some of you have an old OS version the App will not work, in example on Iphone4 it doesn't work.
8 years ago - app not working for me
8 years ago - Thanks again!!!
8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination! Appreciate it!
8 years ago - Thank you for the nominations
8 years ago - Thank you for the nominations! :)
8 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!
8 years ago - Thanks for the nomination 😁
8 years ago - @Barbara, thank you for the nomination and the Like. Cheers
8 years ago - App doesnt work on my ipnone(((
8 years ago - I just want to check... do you need a smart phone in the image? Or just an inspirational image taken by the scriba app? Thank you so much!
8 years ago - @Barbara Thank you for the nominations!
8 years ago - Hi @BulimanCatalim, your shot is wonderful, but unfortunately it doesn't match with our Brief. Please first give a look at our inspirational images and upload again! ;) B.