Strangers falling in love

a mobile app
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

A beautiful girl and a handsome man - strangers falling in love or seduced with a first look of love in their eyes.

Really looking for the people in the photo to be strangers and not posed. In the street, in the tramway, in the bus or in a terrace pub... Shiny day, shy smile, intimate and discrete look. We'd rather have warm colors. You could place the girl or the man using an app or texting with his/her phone (optional). The photo will be used to illustrate the app brand and used for print a campaign, a website, and a mobile app.

Beauty Lifestyle Occupations People Street
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Let me explain... That we wanted to have is people secretly falling in love without knowing the other one. Not talking, not seducing, even not meeting, just looking at the other as they're just passing by. Unfortunately, any photo matches with the request. (2/2)
10 years ago - Hey everyone. Thanks for your participation and thanks for the quality of your pictures. However, we didn't find any photo really suitable for our request. The photos were nominated because of their visual style, that we were comfortable with. But, nothing really matches with the message. (1/2)
10 years ago - Hey @dmiz! Just checking in to see if any of these nominated photos met your needs for this request?
10 years ago - The funny thing is that my story with my man is exactly this. But the photos don't look like it
10 years ago - No problem. Just trying to clarify. This is a tough one.
10 years ago - @Julesinlr Hey. Sorry that's disturbing. In fact, I nominated some photos which look good for me, and others that match more with my request, but to be true nothing is really matching to my demand. I don't want a couple, I want strangers. :)
10 years ago - This is confusing as you nominated photos in opposition to exactly what you said you wanted. Can they look like they are already a couple?
10 years ago - Hi Dimitri! I'm glad you like it!! Thanks again!! ;-)
10 years ago - Ok, Thank you.
10 years ago - @LeoneVonDizic You're welcome. I love the idea that strangers could be looking at each other and fall in love through the bus window.
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!! ;-)
10 years ago - @dnewhall I'd rather a male and female but you can also make same sex suggestions. Our app is about love, the photo we'll buy will represent the brand and if we focus on statistics there are more heterosexual couples. My fear is that it looks intended for gay communities. But you can try ! :)
10 years ago - Are you just looking for Male and Female? Is same sex ok?
10 years ago - Once again, thank you all for your awesome and unique photos. Please read my comment below to understand exactly what we want. :)
10 years ago - Thanks everyone for your participation. Each photo is beautiful and unique. However, take care of the term "strangers". I see many nice couples but no one is clearly unknown for the other. Try to illustrate yourself when you see someone you're seduced by in the street.
10 years ago - Maybe you should focus on a lovely look in the eyes more than a physical contact, a discrete girl staring at a handsome man before being spotted in a pub, etc. Try to put your models in a urban place, where many people lives, like they're : "Whoa, too many people but that's THAT girl/man !"