Mother Tossing a (male) Baby or Toddler in the Air

book cover
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Im looking for an image for a book cover, of a mother tossing her male baby or toddler in the air. It doesn't matter how much or how little of the mother is showing (one of the inspiration images show just the hands of the mother but having more of the mother visible would be okay. Also the inspiration images show men tossing babies, but the image I'm looking for should be a woman tossing a baby). The baby could be either fully dressed or in just a diaper.

Either studio lighting or natural light is okay, however the colours should be bright and happy.

The background should be simple: it could be blue sky punctuated by clouds or stark white or solid colour (I may isolate the baby and mother and put them on a flat coloured background so if there is something in that background it could be edited out easily).

the image should be bright, joyful and with good distance between the mother’s hands and the baby. Don’t endanger any babies though--If necessary I can digitally increase the distance between the mothers hand's and the baby so it looks like the baby is being tossed higher.

Closed because I no longer need visuals for this project

we've decided to go in another direction for the project. Thanks you to all the photographers who submitted photos!

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Conceptual Families Kids People
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Closed because I no longer need photos. we've decided to go in another direction for the project. Thanks you to all the photographers who submitted photos!
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination :)