Old hand and young hand

Book cover
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Looking for a photo of an young child's hand holding onto the finger of a grandmother or holding hands for a book about grandparents raising children.

The image should show a tight closeup of the very young child grasping the finger of an older hand or holding hands. No faces should be visible.

The old hand should not look too old--around 50 or 55 years old--and the child should be a toddler. Also, a short depth of focus would work best so the background is not immediately identifiable.

Soft, gentle colour palette.

A preference for models of colour.

The creator of the chosen image will be fully credited in all editions of the book.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Paid Post to Instagram :
Families Kids People
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

6 years ago - Thanks a lot, @Duncan-Noel-Campbell !
6 years ago - Thank you @duncan Noel campell 😁 you just make me very happy
6 years ago - Thanks for the nominations 🙏🏻
6 years ago - @Duncan, hi have uploaded some and I really appreciate your feedback , thanks
6 years ago - The picture i send in, can you help me, do you like them or do you neef something else?
6 years ago - hi @liek52: the orientation doesn't really matter. you can do either!
6 years ago - Portrait or landcape ?