Tequila Assortment

Beverage Media Group
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Looking for still life photos of Tequila. Vertical orientation would be ideal, or room to crop to a vertical for our April issue cover. Note the storyboard sample photo.

No people or branding shown. Contemporary, natural daylight. Preferably assortment of Tequilas (Blanco, Anejo, Resposado) in several small glasses. Composition can be staggered on multiple-tiered surface or lined up in a tasting flight, shot at a 90º angle. Prefer outside setting or possibly daylight background. Can also have agave background or lime garnishes. NO Margarita photos!

We like the lighting (only) in the sample fruit image.

Food and Drink Lifestyle Still Life
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - @all thanks for the wonderful efforts. I'm excited to know these may be curated for the Collection. We often need photos like these.
10 years ago - Congratulation@patrgrant. It was a great ride to see what everyone was coming up with for this brief. I enjoyed it tremendously.
10 years ago - Thanks for the purchase Larry! I'm humbled that you picked mine out of all these wonderful shots. Looking forward to seeing the article :)
10 years ago - I know me too
10 years ago - I thought this request had a week left on it?
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination @larrylee! I will try some different perspectives/set ups for you today.
11 years ago - Thanks for the invite! I just submitted a few photos. Hope you enjoy!
11 years ago - Any thoughts? Do you prefer a darker or lighter background
11 years ago - Sounds good. Just uploaded a slightly modified version with more space.
11 years ago - @pumamat - Composition is good for most part. Could use more space up top and to the left. Thanks!
11 years ago - @Kylebianchi - camera lower please. Thanks!
11 years ago - Thanks for the nomination. Bit of a gray day today, so I can try for something "sunnier" this weekend. How's the composition?
11 years ago - Would you like the top of the glass to be level or have the camera lower, similar to the other nominated photo?
11 years ago - @Kylebianchi - looks good. Anyway you can get more of a lower angle for a "hero" perspective?
11 years ago - Thank you so much for the nominations!!
11 years ago - Is the above angle okay?
11 years ago - Thanks for the invite! I should have something by Saturday evening.
11 years ago - Yes, thanks for the invite. I've been thinking about this as well. I hope to have something up by next week.
11 years ago - Thank you for the invitation! I've been brainstorming this - will see if I can produce anything worthy!
11 years ago - @Larrylee Just uploaded a few different variations. Let me know if any of the looks interest you. I have a few different variations on each. Thanks!