Native American male

Book cover image and promo graphics
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

I'm looking for a picture of a young (20s) handsome Native American male, preferably with long hair; preferably shirtless (Think Rick Mora, Jay Tavare). Mixed heritage would be fine (character represented is mixed Native American and Caucasian). No face paint or headdress. Any clothing or accessories would need to fit with late 1840s... nothing modern looking. I would prefer that he be facing forward or at a slight angle and have a serious or contemplative expression. Preferred background is western wilderness or rural farm, but that can be added later. This image would be used to make a book cover and related promo images (bookmarks, quote teasers, etc.).
Note: Should the model be concerned, this novel will be well-researched and will attempt to show fairly the lives and hardships of the Native American people of that time period. The character the photo represents is the hero of the story.

Closed because I could not find the right visual for this project

The background isn't an issue, but the model's age, pose / expression, physical characteristics, and clothes / accessories are. Unfortunately none of the images submitted were usable.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Photo Size :
4MP+ (ex: 2272x1704px+)
Model Release :
Required (if applicable)
Paid Post to Instagram :
People Portraiture
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Closed because I could not find the right photo for this project. The background isn't an issue, but the model's age, pose / expression, physical characteristics, and clothes / accessories are. Unfortunately none of the images submitted were usable.
9 years ago - @dulin - Thanks for looking. Don't give up. The novel isn't written yet, and I'm still looking for that perfect shot. If you find a suitable model, check back with me.
9 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination. I don't find another model for your project. :(
9 years ago - Thank you so much for nominating one of my photos! What an honor! There are some other shots of the same model on my profile where he does appear a little younger. :)
9 years ago - Submissions are getting closer to what I need. Thank you! I'd love to see some younger models.
9 years ago - @BEEMO_NYC Never mind. I figured it out.
9 years ago - @BEEMO_NYC Permission for what?
9 years ago - Did Viggo Mortensen give his permission for this?
9 years ago - Wow
9 years ago - Thanks! I'll try to find someone who meets the requirements.
9 years ago - @JayBee-Argentina, The model can be anyone who can pass for a North American Native American Indian. The fictional character represented is of mixed Mojave and Caucasian heritage. Does that help?
9 years ago - Hello, is the request limited to Native North American males? or could it be a South American native as well?
9 years ago - Thanks, Justin. It's hard to tell with his glasses on, but he might work. If you're able, shoot him again... no glasses, hair back some, shirtless if he's willing, and standing.
9 years ago - if you like the model I submitted i can shoot him again. just let me know. Thanks!
9 years ago - Thank you for your interest in the project, Alexey. I hope you can find one.
9 years ago - Thanks for the invite. I will try to find suitable model!