This is wide open. We want to show 'one supported by many - Irish style'. Looking to show the power of the crowd. Our business model is centered on tax incentivized crowd-funding, for taxpayers investing in Irish based businesses who's investment help them grow and yield return.
Any creative image depicting a crowd supporting one. This photo does NOT need not be in Ireland but the color green, is a plus. No alcohol. One idea may be many hands on one technical object. Abstract concepts are welcome. I was originally thinking of crowdsurfing with a predominant green colouring (the crowd supporting one), that could be used for a professional site. I also thought of Irish rugby plays like a 'scrum' (power of the crowd), 'lineout' (raised and lifted by your teammates to reach a high objective) etc. High resolution picture required.
Open to creative interpretation, but the underlying theme of the photo should incorporate:
(a) An element of Irish
(b) The potential of many (i.e. a little from a lot of contributors can achieve what the few cannot)
(c) Technology (if possible - there is a technological advantage behind the solution but it will not be obvious to the user so this has secondary importance and can be implied at best or ignored)
(c) Something new
(d) Success
I would encourage photographers to be as creative as possible and include a caption with their photo which encapsualtes the idea/concept. Feel free to ask me questions in the comment feed. I'll nominate to help illustrate what I am liking.
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