Olloclip Macro Images

Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We want to see your best and most inspiring macro images. This challenge is open to all types of closeup and and macro subjects. The best macro images can use everyday objects in a way that creates art. Using the advanced optics of an Olloclip system can take your mobile photography macro images to an all new level.

The best photo will be rewarded with $100 as well as an Olloclip 4-in-1 macro lens.
The all-new olloclip lens system has been completely redesigned for the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and Samsung Galaxy s5 with 4 advanced-optics lenses.

For more information on the Olloclip line of products, visit:

Example Images Used Under Creative Commons 2.0 License:
Example 1:©Mikko Saari via Flickr
Example 2:©Rosan Nepal via Flickr
Example 3:©Andrés Nieto Porras via Flickr

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Art Miscellaneous Objects
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!!!
9 years ago - @StacieMac - Congratulations!!! Beautiful shot!
9 years ago - Congratulations @StacieMac for winning this Olloclip Macro Image Challenge. Thank you to everyone who participated as well. What a great collection of marco images.
9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination! @olloclip
9 years ago - Thank U for the nomination!
9 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination and consideration :) it is very much appreciated!
9 years ago - @Olloclip Thank-You for the nomination !
9 years ago - Thank you so very much for the nomination!!! It is greatly appreciated!
9 years ago - Thank you ☺️☺️☺️
9 years ago - thanks again for the nomination!
9 years ago - Thanks so much for the nominations!!
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!
9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!
9 years ago - @Olloclip - Thank you very much for the nominations!!!
9 years ago - Neat! Thanks for the nomination.
9 years ago - @snapwire do they only review photos that are nominated?
9 years ago - sorry, tell me why i "reached the limit" of photo?
9 years ago - Heard a lot about this product...sounds awesome! Hope I get nominated! :)
9 years ago - Hi everyone! Olloclip has asked us to extend their Challenge for another 10 days. They're excited to review your submissions. Happy shooting!
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination
9 years ago - Amazing photos here! Thanks for the no
9 years ago - Now that you've seen multiple entries and extended the request... Is there anything more specific you're looking for?
9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!!
9 years ago - Thank you VERY much for the nomination! :-)
9 years ago - Thank you for nomination
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination :)
9 years ago - @Olloclip - Thank you so much for the nomination!!!! :)
9 years ago - This keeps getting reopened after it ends? Are you not getting the images you need?
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination !!!!! =)
9 years ago - Thanks so much for nominating my caterpillar!
9 years ago - wow
9 years ago - Wasn't this challenge suppose to end?
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination on Benjamin Franklin
9 years ago - Some of the nominated pics clearly aren't with an olloclip?
9 years ago - Thanks so much for the nomination! Some amazing stuff here.
9 years ago - thank you for the nomination
9 years ago - thank you very much for the nomination! it's my first :D
9 years ago - thank you for the nomination
9 years ago - Thanks so much for the nominations!
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination! ☺️
9 years ago - thanks for the nom! :)
9 years ago - Thank you so much for my first nomination! Definitely going to check out your macro lenses for my iPhone 😊
9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination! That photo is one of my personal favorites
9 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination. Also good to know it's any macro device as I thought it was only olloclip.
9 years ago - Thanks a stack for the nomination!
9 years ago - thank you so much for the nomination ☀️🌿❤️
9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination !
9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination :)
9 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination!❤️
9 years ago - @fabianaoc and @domethiuos Macro images from any system are allowed for submission
9 years ago - competing
9 years ago - I meant congrats* typo 😁
9 years ago - Nice photos here gongrats guys👍
9 years ago - Thanks so much for the nominations:)
9 years ago - Lol I was going to ask how is it being determined that an olloclip was used? Is anyone even checking xif data?
9 years ago - Thank you so much for my first nomination. Love using the lenses!
9 years ago - Thank You for the nomination!
9 years ago - I actually purchased the product and used it to take pictures with my phone! I'm really satisfied with the product!
9 years ago - Thanks for my first nomination! :)
9 years ago - I'd like to know if it is only photo made with olloclip or can I submit photos made with regular macro lens?