Middle School Student with MacBook or Tablet

Literate me
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

I need an image of a student around middle school age (11-13yrs) working on a MacBook/tablet for a feature on the front page of our website.

The setting needs to be an appealing and relaxed workspace/classroom. It needs to be dark on the left side so a white header and text will stand out. Look at the image on teamtreehouse.com for more inspiration.

Education Kids People
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - I noticed this request is still in the review phase four weeks after an image was purchased. Is the buyer planning to make further purchases?
10 years ago - @Perrington6 and thank you, just perfect for what I needed. Cheers!
10 years ago - Thank you Rob!
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!
10 years ago - Thanks everyone who has submitted photos so far, I'm really impressed with the quality!
10 years ago - @roblund Thank you for the nomination, Rob! I totally appreciate it! Kudos to all the nominees!!!
10 years ago - Thanks a lot, Rob! You're getting some nice submissions for this! :)
10 years ago - I appreciate your consideration, good luck!
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination :)
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!! :-)
10 years ago - Sure thing!
10 years ago - Hi @zacd3tt1ng3r any chance you could take a similar shot to the one I nominated in landscape orientation?
10 years ago - I was just wondering if I can shoot without showing kids faces because some parents feel more comfortable that way. Trust me, Vicki being a school teacher in a private school in NYC, the parents' permission is something I take seriously, and a model release for a minor child is a must. Cheers!
10 years ago - @evagolightly: As long as the child is recognizable by the parent, it doesn't matter whether a portion of their face or their entire face is visible. Either way, it would require a release from the parent.
10 years ago - I will try to get their face in focus, but some parents may require not to reveal their identity, so for those, I can assure them I can shoot without showing their whole face. Thanks for your prompt reply, Rob!
10 years ago - Yes, keeping their face hidden or a focus on hands/profile/device could work. Thanks for asking.
10 years ago - Rob, could it work for you if I shoot middle school students without revealing their their face? More focus on hands and macbook o tablet? Maybe their smile, or shots from behind or profile? Thanks!