Building your Scriba Pets photo book!

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Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Please take a minute to read the brief, it contains crucial informations. In order to take part to this Challenge you need to Download Scriba App from your mobile store, it’s FREE!

Create your First Scriba photo book adding at least 3 Chapters of your Pets. Take a picture of you or your friend enjoying the scriba book on your phone’s screen. It’s important that you’re showing your most enthusiastic spirit!

Please note that Scriba app is still in Beta version. We will appreciate any feedback, that you can submit here:

Upload plenty! Photos will be used for our social networking channels. Happy Shooting! Thanks. Scriba team

Closed because I no longer need visuals for this project

Thank you all! We will wait for other creative submissions on the other Scriba challenges! Is our app useful for your life Experiences? Send us your feedback here: - Barbara Scriba team

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Paid Post to Instagram :
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

7 years ago - Thank you for nominating my second picture!
7 years ago - @scriba mobile app- thank you so very much for your purchase!! I'm super thrilled, as is my "model" daughter! You've made our day
7 years ago - Closed because I no longer need photos for this project. Thank you all! We will wait for other creative submissions on the other Scriba challenges! Is our app useful for your life Experiences? Send us your feedback here: - Barbara Scriba team
7 years ago - Hi everybody! Great Challenge and thanks a lot for the great job done, the winner of this Challenge is @NancyBrennan with her great sense of naturalistic way of shooting, we appreciate a lot the naturalistic way of her model expression to be happy of her Scriba book! ;) Barbara - Scriba team
8 years ago - Hi! Thanks for the nomination!!! Really appreciate it! :)
8 years ago - just starting out on Snapwire. Thanks for the nomination!
8 years ago - thanks for the nominations, let me know if further editing are needed or other set up.thanks
8 years ago - I am very grateful for the nominations of my photographs. I will continue striving to give my best in it because I love it, it is my passion. In the following days I will work on SCRIBA's other challenge. Anything please count on me. Thank you SCRIBA!!
8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination! Anything else you're looking for? Different angle? Different background?
8 years ago - Grazie cmq^_^
8 years ago - @ClaudiaCasapieri grazie, bellissimo gatto! Ma come scritto qui nel brief preferiamo immagini con persone che mostrano con entusiasmo il loro foto libro Scriba appena creato! Let's submit again ;) Scriba Team
8 years ago - Hi, you're all welcome, thanks for your submissions! @Claudia Groba, your dog is really funny, but please read the brief before submit again, because your image doesn't match with our request. Give a look at the Nominated images to be inspired ;) Tks! Barbara - Scriba team
8 years ago - Well here comes my horse on Scriba! 😄 she is the highlight of the show at the barn I tell ya!
8 years ago - Thank you for nomination !!!
8 years ago - Hi @ClaudiaGroba and other Explorers, your pets are funny and beautiful, but your submission doesn't match with our Brief, please Read it and upload again! ;) Best. Barbara - Scriba team
8 years ago - Hi @JutaVentere we are really happy that you'll use Scriba for your Holidays! ;) Scriba will be a really useful travel companion! Enjoy.. Barbara - Scriba team
8 years ago - ... we meant to have your submissions! ;)
8 years ago - Hi @AshlynneLobdell sure a Horse would be fantastic! ;) Please mind to read the brief, we need people showing your Scriba book! Looking forward to have your subscriptions.. Barbara - Scriba team
8 years ago - Well I don't have normal pets! lol I hope a horse would do nicely! 😊
8 years ago - Thank you very much for the nomination! Enjoying Scriba and hope to use it on my upcoming holidays to build some great stories.:)
8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!
8 years ago - thanks i will try to upload more with different screen shoot, please let me know if you have any preference on the set up...
8 years ago - Hi @BenjaminDupont thanks for your submissions, we nominated 2 of your nice pictures! ;) Best. Barbara - Scriba team
8 years ago - Hi there, I have upload few photos, let me know if you need more, different angle, different snap on the mobile. i can shoot. Thanks
8 years ago - TO EVERYONE: Mind that we prefer shots with unrecognizable people showing the Scriba book! Not only the shot of the smartphone isolated. Thanks! Happy shooting.. Scriba team
8 years ago - @NancyBernan thank you so much for your kind message.. we are working a lot and Scriba is growing every month, hope will be useful for many people! ;) Your submissions are wonderful and catching, great job! TKS. ;) Barbara - Scriba team
8 years ago - @MaxZen your photo is very nice, but as you're Advanced you should know that is important to read the Brief! Please read it and give a look to the Nominated photos, then upload again the image of someone using Scriba App! ;) Thanks.. Scriba team
8 years ago - Thank you very much for the nomination., Good luck with the app! Very innovative!
8 years ago - Hi Barbara, grazie mille per la nomination!! significa molto per me. per il problema nel caricare, controllerò la connessione. :) grazie, Elena
8 years ago - Hi Explorers! Please before uploading READ the Brief! We saw many of you uploading pets images without using Scriba App. All those images will be excluded from the Challenge because don't match with brief. Looking forward to see your next submissions! ;) Barbara - Scriba team
8 years ago - @ElenaEye Great job with your Scriba book! ;) Immagino il tuo sia stato un problema di segnale internet basso, le foto su Scriba vengono caricate in HD, essendo un'app che in futuro permetterà di stampare. Scrivici pure qualsiasi ulteriore commento: TKS! Barbara - Scriba team
8 years ago - @OJPerry do the other Challenge just click on the Arrow on the right side of the Scriba book and share it! You could have your PDF ready on the link shared. ;) Hope you'll enjoy Scriba, continue creating. Have a great week end you too! ;) Barbara - Scriba Team
8 years ago - @OJPerry your shot is so cool! Thanks for your kind message, we love keeping in touch with all our participants.. ;)
8 years ago - Hi @LisaSoreo we are really happy to see you've been the first to catch and read our Brief we appreciated a lot! Our work is in progress with Scriba, hope it will be your daily companion for all your diaries to keep and share! Soon we'll also have Scriba Postcards! ;) Best. Barbara - Scriba team
8 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination. It really means s lot to me!
8 years ago - even my cat had to work this time :) hope you'll like my new pics. Tried to do the other request (PDF), but this somehow doesn't seem to work on my iPhone at the moment. All the best with your request & APP and have a fab weekend, OJ
8 years ago - l'applicazione si blocca molto spesso rendendo impossibile caricare foto