Artificial Intelligence

Inovance Financial Technologies
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We're looking for creative photos/photo illustrations that show the blending of human and machine thinking for our new company website.

CONCEPT: Your photo submission should be a creative take on the cooperation of human and machine intelligence working together. Inovance is a financial software startup based in San Francisco and are the makers of TRAID, a platform combines human intuition with machine intelligence to give traders the ability to test their intuitions and make them more objective traders.

INCLUDED IMAGES: We've included a link to a few images of circuit boards and people that you can use to create your photo illustration using your favorite apps:

DETAILS: You can of course also submit your own original photo or photo illustration, so think about how you could use blended images or effects with apps to illustrate the idea. You can also take a straightforward photographic approach to the idea as well if you have a good concept to try out.

Conceptual Corporate Still Life
Inspirational Images

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