Middle East

report spreads
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We're after a range of engaging, thoughtful imagery for our client's Middle East report.

Yes: Colour, natural lighting, reportage feel, engaging shots, detail, scale.
No: B&W, over-saturation, saturated, staged images, people looking at the camera, odd angles.

We’re looking for shots in the following areas:
– Cityscapes
– Buildings (scale, development)
– Infrastructure
– People (locals, business)
– Markets (street and also financial)
– Financial (buildings, districts, currency)

Important note:
The images must be taken in the Middle East.

Aerial Buildings Finance Reportage Transportation
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Common ,, just finish it !
10 years ago - Hello buyer , how much time you need to say who is the winner ? I think it's enough time for review between less than 400 photos , right ??
10 years ago - What's up Neema?
10 years ago - I have some great photos for this from Iran if you let me submit them.
10 years ago - I can email you a few if you want
10 years ago - I am Iranian an have a lot of pictures from my country.... I just submitted some of them
10 years ago - Jordan ?
10 years ago - Hi, just submitted a photo of an old Phoenician port with the boats still in it hope you like it (taken in Lebanon)
10 years ago - Unfortunately not. In last year's report there were quite a few shots from Dubai/UAE and so this year if we can, shots from the following are of interest: Iran, Egypt, Oman and Qatar. Thanks
10 years ago - Also wondering about Turkey (Istanbul)
10 years ago - Are you considering images from North Africa (Tunisia, Algeria)?