Hanging Rope

Illustration for magazine article
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We have an upcoming article in our Buddhist magazine dealing sensitively with the subject of suicide. The main message is that people considering killing themselves should change the direction of their lives instead. The author tells a personal story about walking into the woods with a rope, determined to kill himself, only to have his mind changed at the last minute. His new life path since that day has been greater than he could possibly have imagined.

The shot I'm looking for is of an adult holding onto a rope that extends up beyond the top of the photo to who knows where. It should be ambiguous whether the person intends to hang themselves or climb the rope. They should therefore look serious. No nooses, please. The photo should be beautiful, quiet, and evocative.

I found a photograph that perfectly fits the bill, but have been unable to get a response from the photographer about licensing it. I won't share it here, as I don't want to be accused of ripping off his work.

The samples I have shared are the closest things I've found otherwise, all not quite right in one way or another. The first one is too impersonal and abstract. The second isn't bad, but the suit makes it look too much like a business stock photo, plus I wish she were actually holding the rope. The third would be great if it weren't for the confusing water and the fact that he is obviously being lifted up.

Good luck, and get in touch with me if you have any questions. Thanks!

Closed because I could not find the right visual for this project

Unfortunately, none of the submissions had quite the right feel for this sensitive piece. The editors and I have decided to have someone illustrate it instead. Sorry, folks, I guess this one was trickier than I'd originally imagined.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Photo Size :
4MP+ (ex: 2272x1704px+)
Model Release :
Required (if applicable)
Art Conceptual People
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Closed because I could not find the right photo for the project. Unfortunately, none of the submissions had quite the right feel for this sensitive piece. The editors and I have decided to have someone illustrate it instead. Sorry, folks, I guess this one was trickier than I'd originally imagined.
9 years ago - Just wanted to say thank you for the nominations... :-)
9 years ago - Hi Andrew, thanks so much for the nomination, hope it's more on track with what you're looking for.
9 years ago - No, not really. Just try to make it quietly beautiful in some way. That's as much a guiding factor in our magazine's images as concept. Thanks so much, Jacquie!
9 years ago - Andrew, Thanks for the Nomination and the feedback. Still have a few days, so will work on the right shot for you. Any preferences on colour clothing etc?
9 years ago - @Schaff Good point, Jacquie. So far I would say none of the photos are exactly what I want, but I nominated a couple that seemed to have the right kind of gesture. Yes, yours would work better if we could see the whole person. And a natural light look is preferable, but some fill light would be OK.
9 years ago - Hi Andrew Would the photos I submitted be more suitable with a full body image? Or are they too colourful and bright. The brief states Outdoor, Natural lighting... however one of the photos nominated is the opposite. Do you prefer black & white?
9 years ago - Good question, @SdFphotos. Nothing too emotional either way. A quiet, contemplative mood, neither dark nor light. Maybe a bit mysterious. Thanks for asking!
9 years ago - What sort of mood are you looking for? Do you want a powerful photo that portrays the emotion of a suicidal moment, or more of a better future ahead type of feel?
9 years ago - I guess I should say it would be nice to see the whole person in the shot. Also, the ambiguity of what they are thinking about doing with the rope -- hanging or climbing -- is the most important part. Probably best if climbing into the sky seems more likely. Thanks.
9 years ago - @lucslucs please reupload your photo. Thanks!
9 years ago - My photos was matching the brief and was removed. Why? Isn't it squared and 4MP+?