Dad Driving a Toy Car

Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We want to capture a Dad having A LOT of fun playing in his child's toy car

The image needs to show the obvious and humorous contrast between the sizes of a grown man and the toy car with his son or daughter looking on, enjoying the fun they are having together. The pair can be outside in the garden or out playing in the street but the image really needs to encapsulate the moment when the dad is no longer embarrassed by doing childish things with his kid and is instead embracing the fun and silly side of being a parent.

The image should capture that moment when a father goes that extra step to show real care for his children, without necessarily realising it. The image needs to show both the dad and child having fun together, with the dad completely losing himself in the moment that the two of them are enjoying together. It should look and feel natural, not overly staged, and captured in a home setting i.e: playroom, bedroom or garden.

Lighting and staging should feel natural like a candid photo captured by a family member or friend. Images should be premium in quality but still feel accessible and real to the audience, something that they would take themselves or share with friends via social media.

Please ensure all images are in colour and are not overly filtered. These photos will be used on social media by a global male cosmetics brand.

Families Home and Garden Kids
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - @GlaserStudios thank you again for your photographs. Unfortunately this brief was designed for the same client as the other brief you participated in. As with the other, this brief is no longer relevant for them to unfortunately we won't be making a purchase. Sorry, but thank you for your images!
9 years ago - Any update on this one by chance?
10 years ago - @AlexWilliamson - Just a few quick pictures from this morning before work. Could easily shoot more if a little different take was needed. Thanks-
10 years ago - The people in the image MUST NOT BE PROFESSIONAL MODELS, nor have been a professional model previously. We will need an additional document signed to clarify this.