Business Casual Scene (updated: please read brief)

company use
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

I'm looking for a photo of a specific scene--more details below.

Specifically I need a photo of a man or woman dressed business casual (no suits or corporate attire) walking towards two people who are walking together (eating ice cream maybe? with shopping bags? Just looking like they're hanging out on a weekend).

There should be a large space between the person and the couple (this is where I'll put the text). The person should be waving at the couple like he is seeing a friend (in our case a client) and the couple should look very confused/awkward, like they have no idea who this person is.

The text that I will add to the photo will say "do you know your clients remember you," if that's helpful.

(UPDATE: Title was changed so it would be more clear what we are looking for and the price was increased from $50 to $100.)

Business People

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - The deadline has been extended and the budget has been upped a bit.
10 years ago - So idk why ppl aren't taking the time to do so if I'm down and out and can. Lol
10 years ago - This is crazy. I'm recuperating from back surgery (had it yesterday, I'm viewing this from the hospital), and was able to read the brief!
10 years ago - For the moment 0 matching photos of 53 submitted - OMG :-)
10 years ago - I was really excited to see what cool way people could do this one, but apparently the brief was too brief... Wow a
10 years ago - I think it discourages buyers so it does affect all of us.
10 years ago - Not a single photo matches the description. People are just submitting for the two points they get in attempts to level up.
10 years ago - I've said before that they may have to penalize the irrelevant submissions just to make them read the brief. It is not even a matter of interpretation of the idea. They are completely ignoring what's asked for.
10 years ago - Let them post their submissions want get anywhere but it just shows they don't read the brief all those who have not read the brief you might as well delete your submissions as they won't get nominated
10 years ago - LOL!! Seems that no one read the description
10 years ago - You are so right. It doesn't take any time to read the brief. Come on people do the right thing.
10 years ago - Apparently reading is way too much to ask. Abysmal.