2 groups of friends in first date environment

Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

A photo of a guy and a girl being pushed by their friends (2 females pushing the girl, 2 males pushing the guy) to kiss. Actually kissing or almost lips touching. Everyone having fun. A little over the top emotion display okay. American looking models aged 25-35.

**Other details**
* Your photo is to replace the splash image on https://beta.wingr.net (primary target mobile, but also on desktop)
* Background where someone would go on a first date (like in a bar)
* Focus on people, not background (perhaps a blurred background, or very simple background)
* No one facing the camera
* Nature of the photos is wide, but if it can be made taller by positioning, that's helpful (for portrait display on mobile phones)
* Story details: Group A are friends among themselves, group B are friends among themselves, but Group A doesn't know Group B.
* The attached 'inspiration image' is a quick photo I got while camping with a group of friends. There's a lot wrong with the picture (background is too noisy, angle & lighting are questionable, camera used not high quality, etc). However it does at least basically convey what I'm looking for.

Closed because I could not find the right visual for this project

I wrote up a paragraph of quality feedback, but now it says it wants less than 300 characters after I submit. Get that fixed, then you may get quality feedback (at least a counter for characters left)

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Paid Post to Instagram :
Couples Events Food and Drink Parties People
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

7 years ago - Closed because I could not find the right photo for this project. I wrote up a paragraph of quality feedback, but now it says it wants less than 300 characters after I submit. Get that fixed, then you may get quality feedback (at least a counter for characters left)
7 years ago - i just downloaded this app because i would like to get experience, get recognized and gain funds for a new camera, if i had enough time i wouldve tried to set up for this picture, but frankly its too late for me. if you wouldnt mind contacting me for any other pictures needed it would really help.