Themed Family Dinner Table Challenges

Vanity Fair Napkins Social Media
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Need to feel as real as it gets. More real than the typical stock image. Less composed, can be less sharp, more loose. Diverse talent. We want the feel of the photos to be authentic, playful, and a little messy. We just don't want it looking "posey".

Usage: 1 year social media use for Vanity Fair Napkins
Shot-list UPDATED:

1-Family eating around the dinner table. But everybody is eating the weirdest combinations. Pasta with Cheetos, hotdogs filled with mac and cheese. The kids are loving it
2-Family eating around the dinner table. One of the kids is blindfolded trying to guess what is on his plate. Can also be the dad who is blindfolded and the kids are feeding him food. The kids have smeared some sauce on dad’s nose.
3-Family eating around the dinner table but they are not alone. The dog has his own chair and plate. He gets to eat as people and the kids think it is fantastic. Everybody is laughing and having fun including the dog.
5-Family eating around the dinner table but there is no silverware. Everybody is trying to eat pasta with chopsticks. They are having a hard time, and it might get messy. Maybe one of the children gave up and is eating with his hands. But it’s fun. They are all laughing and smiling as they struggle to get food in their mouths.
6-Family eating around the dinner table but they are not allowed to use their hands. In fact, hands have to remain behind their backs during the entire dinner. The kids love it. Faces are covered in pasta sauce.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Required (if applicable)
Families Home Humor Kids

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - had a great time doing this! thanks for the purchase
9 years ago - Fantastic! Thank you for the purchase! Very happy that I could meet your needs.
9 years ago - Ok now I can properly thank you for the nomination! ;-)
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!!!!
9 years ago - I have photos to submit if I could send them. I went off of the rules. Let me know if I can send them even though I know it's in review.
9 years ago - Ooops! Hehehe, sorry about that preemptive message. It was meant for another request. Having said that, a nomination here sure would be nice! ;-)
9 years ago - Wow! Thank you so much for the nomination!!! :-)
9 years ago - Do you want a package of vanity fair napkins in the photo?
9 years ago - we had so much fun setting up for this challenge! good luck to all the submissions! looking forward to more fun projects.
9 years ago - Ok, I reached my limit on your other request so I added a few more here since it is similar Just wanted to let you know I follow directions:) but I knew you liked my work and wanted you to see more. Thanks