Themed Family Meals

Social Media use for Vanity Fair
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Overall, photography has to feel as real as it gets. We'd rather have bad lighting, bad framing, out of focus and a real picture than your typical stock image that looks like a photographer shot it. The people in the photos should come from all walks of life. The photos should feel authentic, playful and a little messy. They can’t be overly stylized, perfect and too “posey”. Napkins can be in the shot but not a requirement.

Alien Night/We Come In Peace Night:
Two or three family members, sitting around the table, preparing for aliens to come to dinner. A few members should be wearing tin foil hats.They are all are practicing communicating without words, gesturing and smiling.

The Fanciest Dinner Ever:
Two or three family members, sitting around the table, dressed in their ‘best’. A little girl is wearing a little too much costume jewelry and some lipstick, and a boy made a paper crown. The scene should not look lavish or wealthy. It should look like the world’s fanciest dinner, as imagined by a three year old.

Eat With Your Dog Night:
Three or four family members around the table. One kid is laughing hysterically, the other might look grossed out because the dog is eating off a plate next to them. Maybe one kid is trying to feed it off a fork.

Kid Picking Nose:
A kid or two in the background, one in the foreground, absent mindedly picking his nose.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Required (if applicable)
Families Home Kids Lifestyle

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination 🌷
9 years ago - Thank you for purchasing my photo. Where and when will I see the photo if it is published? Thanks.
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination.
9 years ago - Thank you very much for the nomination, it's greatly appreciated. :-)