The photo is for a delivery service similar to Postmates if you have used them (no uniforms, just regular clothes for the delivery people).
Photo you will be recreating:
Backup example:
I would prefer you to attempt to recreate the first one but if there are reasons like weather or its just not working to show outside then you could do the backup but please let me know ahead of time.
The photo should show a delivery person (prefer male) delivering the package to someone else (prefer a women - attractive if possible)
The people in the photo should be happy and smiling.
The delivery person can be wearing regular clothes (basic white or black t-shirt with jeans would be best).
The person receiving the item should be wearing regular clothes.
Instead of the delivery person handing Starbucks and holding the Postmates bag, they will just be handing an item with no bag. The delivery person should only be delivering one item not multiple.
Examples of items you can use, in order. If you do not have one then you can use the next one.
1. Camera - prefer a higher end one above $300 - like a Nikon that is easily recognizable
2. iPad
3. Macbook (must be Apple)
4. Shoes in box (sneakers/Jordans/high-end womens)
5. Open to other item ideas if you think they will show well. Any recognizable item that costs about $100-$500 could work.
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