Sensitive teenage girl

Young adult book cover
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We need photos of a sensitive teenage girl about 17 years old, with a sleek, short hairdo (we'd like to see her neck) shot in a studio setting with a white background and slightly blown-out lighting conditions. Please make sure her eye is visible.

We've designed the cover using a stock image from Getty but our client thinks that the girl looks younger than the target age. See attached image. Please try to replicate the look of this image with a model who looks 17.

Closed because I could not find the right visual for this project

Client chose a photo that we acquired from a different stock agency.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
People Portraiture
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Closed because I could not find the right photo for the project. Client chose a photo that we acquired from a different stock agency.
9 years ago - @Laila Milevski, Hi Laila, I've submitted pictures in line with your brief, but see that all sorts are in the leading shots and nominations. I'd like to try a few more even at this late stage, but I'm a bit confused about what will work best for you. Advice would be good. Thanks.
9 years ago - @Laila Milevski I know I'm late (crazy morning!) but I put a photo I would like to submit up on my profile. It would be great if you would have a look at it. Thanks!
9 years ago - @anneyungwirth-- nope not too late- please go ahead and submit thanks
9 years ago - @Laila Milevski is it too late to submit two images for this request?
9 years ago - Thank you very much for your nomination! I hope you'll be able to find/choose the right picture for your client, good luck with the project. ☺️
9 years ago - @Steve Warwick. Hi Steve, a raw file is not a photographic image, but a collection of data that can be worked on in compatible programs like Adobe Lightroom. That data must be converted to another format like tiff or jpeg to be visible to others. You can't upload raw files.
9 years ago - @Alan Clark : RAW isn't traditionally a format that is handed over as it would be the equivalent of handing over a negative instead of a print.
9 years ago - @Steve Warwick: yes it would be good to upload Raw files as that's what I shoot in but you can shoot Raw and JPEG at the same time but I do prefer Raw files simply as I can get more detail out of the shadows if needed, maybe @Snapwire will do this come time
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination. If a different edit of the same image is required, I would be happy to work to your brief. C
9 years ago - Yep from what I can tell it has to do with the saved color profile. Photoshop and Lightroom have a much larger color gamut than the web. The color shifts while viewed on the web but the image that the buyer downloads will be fine.
9 years ago - Thanks for nomination!!!
9 years ago - Some more on this would be good! I import as DNG and export out of Lr into JPEG... I only picked the camera up at Christmas so I know nada!!
9 years ago - Yes I agree after uploading images the color is different - I have noticed that - what was your fix?
9 years ago - Ok,thanks everyone...I see what is the problem...
9 years ago - If you are saving your photos to the Adobe RGB color space instead of sRGB color space for publishing to the web the colors would likely change. Look up the difference between the two color spaces.
9 years ago - Might be your monitor and everything not being color calibrated correctly
9 years ago - I must say Snapwire really takes away colors form my photo on my PC is much stronger then how appears to be here.