Sheet Stay-Before and After

Stock photos for website
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I need one set of before and after photos.

Set 1-
Before: A woman in bed with a frustrated look on her face, body partially covered by messy/untucked top sheet/blanket (upper back and lower portions of model's legs/feet exposed).
-Picture must show model from head to toe and include the foot of the
bed where the top sheet should be tucked in but is not.
-Model's face must be exposed and show frustration.
-Picture should show headboard and bedside tables beside the bed. They
should be tastefully decorated.
-Accent colors of blue and gold would be appreciated.
-Room should appear to be professionally lit as this is a stock photo.

After: Same woman in bed, now with a peaceful look on her face, covered by a neat top sheet/blanket (covered from shoulders down)
-Model's face must be exposed and show peace and tranquility.
-Picture must include the foot of the bed where the top sheet is assumed
to be tucked in, the blanket is free of wrinkles and displayed in an orderly
-All else should be the exact same as before photo.

The foot of the bed should be clearly seen in both photos.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Paid Post to Instagram :
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6 years ago - Hi! When are you going to reach the final decision?