Lifestyle images of Canadians in Canada (Update)

National campaign website
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We are looking for beautiful photos of people (Canadians) in small towns or small cities in Canada.

(UPDATE: price was increased from $100 to $150. Request title and brief was also reworded to reflect the clients desire to get images of people (Canadians) in Canadian towns.)

The campaign is about people showing why they're proud of their Canadian hometowns (or towns that are interchangeable with Canadian towns), doing Canadian activities or enjoying the great out doors.

We'd like images of people that are candid, not staged or stock photo looking. We'd like diversity of subject. We want to be inclusive of small towns and small cities so urbanism is great but nothing that is recognisably Toronto, Vancouver, or Montreal.

Overall what we're looking for is beautiful photos that are personal, emotional, and strike right at the gut at what it is to be proud of your hometown and all the people that make it great. We'd like the photos to be moody and emotional, positive and optimistic but not too saccharine.

Check out this video of a Tim Horton commercial for additional inspiration:

Cities and Regions Home Kids Lifestyle People
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - @cstreet Thank you ! If you need anything. Let me know !
10 years ago - Thanks for the invite! I moved to Montreal away from fort Macleod, so in no longer in a small town :( good luck!
10 years ago - Thanks kindly for the invite and nominations. I used my max 10 submissions. Cheers and good luck with your project Amy.
10 years ago - Sorry i missed the invite. Next time :) thank you for asking
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination. Greatly appreciated. FYI that photo can be edited to give it a more autumn feel if you'd like
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination ! Very appreciated :)
10 years ago - Thanks so much for the invite! Hope you like what I have posted! Jill Q.
10 years ago - Hi Photographers! Just a bit more guidance: We're really looking for photos of people primarily, not landscapes or landmarks. We're looking for activities and people interacting with their hometown (playing hockey, eating their favourite donut, working at the farmer's market). Thanks so much!