People photographing their feet in wellies

Knorr soup
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We want a HORIZONTAL colourful image of someone photographing their feet in wellies on grass. We need part of the legs as well - see examples

add part of the legs, feet standing on a patch of grass...
colourful wellies are much appreciated

Home and Garden Leisure
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Thank you! I love my wellies!
10 years ago - Thank you so much for the nominations !!;)) Uploading some bigger once if needed...
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination! Let me know if you need any new similar shots. Best/Helena
10 years ago - @FerrelRaejh the leaves are fine, don't worry about that
10 years ago - It's getting beyond a joke now, nearly every request I see people are posting random pictures that are nowhere near what the buyer is asking for. I'm going to say this to all because it's frustrating ME now "READ THE BRIEF". If you don't understand the brief read it again then again before posting !
10 years ago - Sometimes I wonder if people bother reading the brief
10 years ago - I know. It's kind of irritating.
10 years ago - Hasn't posted on a single request.
10 years ago - With the time it took to spam every single request, you could have spent it taking photos to actually submit to the challenges/requests.
10 years ago - Professionals don't cheat and try to get free advertising!!!!!
10 years ago - @Elaureys is it ok for there to be leaves in the image or just grass? I can retake photos and adjust if you like the boots.
10 years ago - Thankyou for my nominations, enjoyed this morning photography challenge.
10 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination!
10 years ago - Do rubber rain boots work for this?
10 years ago - Please let me know if filters I have used are to strong and I will correct and repost.
10 years ago - No brands in the image @bhodill. I do need wellies, so rubber boots. Thank you!
10 years ago - Do you want a brand in the image or no?