Woman upside down portrait for cover

magazine cover
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

For a cover of Spiegel Wissen magazine on the topic "creativity" I'm looking for a pure and simple portrait of a woman, head upside down. Working title for the headline is "finding new perspectives/ideas".
She should look straight into the camera with a light smile. Age between 28 to 40 years with a natural look.
Lighting should be natural giving the impression it could be a snapshot.

Closed because I could not find the right visual for this project

Thanks for all your submissions on my request. We included three results on our short list but unfortunately they didn't make it to the final round. Thanks for your time and effort.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Paid Post to Instagram :
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

8 years ago - Closed because I could not find the right photo for this project. Thanks for all your submissions on my request. We included three results on our short list but unfortunately they didn't make it to the final round. Thanks for your time and effort.
8 years ago - beauty
8 years ago - @Thorsten - Thank you very much for the nomination.
8 years ago - how may I submit my photos?
8 years ago - Thanks for the nomination! I have some more pictures to post today in case you prefer an outdoor setting.
8 years ago - @ Thorsten Gerke Thank you for the nomination. I will try to submit more soon.
8 years ago - I'll see what I can do for you. I'll post about 5 pictures, if you don't like them I can remove them and try again! I want you to be 100% satisfied!