A portrait of a middle-aged woman sitting at her kitchen table or home office
Middle-aged woman, late 40s to early 50s, white. She is selling her house for the first time. She is sitting at her kitchen table or home office. She should look like she's been concentrating, with a neutral expression.
These are photos needed for personas. No filters or odd effects. Well-lit, no shadows. The woman should be around 40% of the area of the picture, landscape format, the woman should be on the right half. Raw files preferred, the higher res the better, 12+ megapixels.
We also need a head and shoulders shot of the same woman by herself. This could just be a crop of the image, as long as the crop's background isn't too busy, or it could be a separate photo of her against a neutral background.
First inspirational photo: style should be similar in spirit to this photo, although less smily.
Second inspiration photo: they're too old and I just want the woman. They are too smily.
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