Sexy, dreadlocked black man

a print & ebook cover
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We want sexy, intense, confident expressions on a dreadlocked, 25-38 year old black man to be used for a close-up shot on a book cover.

Subject should be staring at the camera to convey serious/intense emotion. With the right subject--attractive black man in late twenties or thirties with long dreadlocks--we'd want several images with a wide range of emotive shots to choose from, as the expression will be key. We encourage photographers with access to the right subject to submit similar ("sister") images showing the subject's varying emotional expressions, as we might purchase multiple images if we like the subject and expressions.

No filters or odd effects. Can use lighting to add to emotion of intensity, but not too dark. Background isn't important. Don't crop too close to the head--we want the option of including full head, hair, and shoulders. No black and white, sepia, or de-saturation techniques.

Subject clothing isn't important, but a Henley shirt and leather vest or jacket would be optimal. Subject facial hair of a neat and trimmed mustache/goatee would be ideal but not required. Subject eye color not important. No sunglasses (eyes are important for the emotion). No hands too close to the face (will be cropped out).

One sample image shows the type of subject we're looking for, and the other two sample images show the style of intensity/emotion we're looking to capture for the finished product.

Closed because I could not find the right visual for this project

The photos submitted were of candid style rather than book-cover quality. We thank everyone for participating anyway!

Beauty Celebrities Fashion People Portraiture
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10 years ago - Closed because I could not find the right photo for the project. The photos submitted were of candid style rather than book-cover quality. We thank everyone for participating anyway!