Airport terminal

Company's website
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Looking for a cover photo for a website that would represent airline passengers' issues (delays, cancellations, bumpings, baggage problems).

A photo should include an airport terminal area (crowded or empty) with aircraft in a background. ClaimAir is a mobile app so a smartphone in hand is preferred. Will consider flight schedule timetable (with cancelled or delayed flight) too. The perfect feel of the photo would include white, grey and green tones. I would really appreciate your creative suggestions, thanks!

People Signs and Symbols Transportation Travel
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Congratulations @Keith Hill
10 years ago - Thank you for the purchase, really appreciated😃
10 years ago - I appreciate the invitation as well, Jakob! I've also submitted the only shot I currently have with unidentifiable people. Please keep me in mind if you have any future requests! :)
10 years ago - Thank you for the invite! I've submitted the only airport picture I currently have :)
10 years ago - I agree with @USEEMYVIEW but have submitted a few for you, and the nominations so far are "Great Shots" good luck everyone.
10 years ago - @Jakub Ladra, thanks for the invitation to shoot for Airport Terminal I will see what I have In my stock
10 years ago - Thanks for the invite. I won't be able to get to an airport terminal because of security to get the shot you are requesting. So sorry
10 years ago - Thanks a ton for the nomination!
10 years ago - Many thanks for the nomination😀
10 years ago - thanks so much for the nomination : )