Female factory or industrial worker

Jocelyn Chang
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We want photos of a horizontal orientation to be used as a banner across a client's website. Female worker, caucasian or unclear race.

No filters or other effects. Photo should not look posed or stock. They should look candid and have the woman actually doing some sort of work in a factory or other indoor industrial setting, ie. moving boxes, scanning, welding, taking inventory, etc. The photo should have options that are shot far enough back from the subject so that we can easily crop in for a roughly 900px x 250px dimension banner. Ideally, options with the subject off center, to either the left or right side of the frame would be great.

I've included an example of the style we like, basically an action shot where the subject is not looking at the camera, and the image can be interestingly cropped for our banner dimensions. Of course, the image we need is of a female worker and indoors, so this is only a style reference.

Closed because I could not find the right visual for this project

Industrial Interiors Lifestyle People
Inspirational Images

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9 years ago - Closed because I could not find the right photo for the project.