CD Album Cover

Album Cover
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

I want the picture of me (holding guiar) as the main picture
The female picture added somewhere smaller on the right side
The album band name "The Blue Cities" large font on top
Album name- "Release" med-large font towards middle or lower portion
We play blues, r&b, soul, roots music so something classy font, something similar to the example I have with the font

-Perfect square
-At least 1600 x 1600 pixels in size
-Best quality RGB Color Mode (this includes black and white images)
-you need a resolution of 300 DPI.

Closed because I no longer need visuals for this project

I purchased one from bassi

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Celebrities Music
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Closed because I no longer need photos. I purchased one from bassi
9 years ago - Mine also is in my portfolio
9 years ago - Now I understand! Mpls is minneapolis, I'm not sure but the city in the picture should just be Mpls. to be sure I create another with the background 100% of minneapolis, you'll find it in my portfolio.
9 years ago - Hi joe, i haven't the backgound you need but i can add the other girl image turned in the other way the request is closed so you'll find it as soon as possible in my portfolio
9 years ago - I'll post my attempts to my profile for now, if you'd like to take a look.
9 years ago - I hope this gets fixed and reopened soon! @joe_flip_101 I gave your tracks a listen...I ended up listening to the entire track list! Great sound you have, "This Little Thing" gave me chillbumps. I apologize, I took some artistic liberty with your provided photos. Hopefully it jives with you!
9 years ago - I don't see anything in my email but ok
9 years ago - Hi Joe I made one, its on my page if you want to check it out!!! @joe_flip_101
9 years ago - Sorry everyone, The budget for this one is $20. We wrote all of the participating photographers just now so check your emails or app. I will not change the price till I hear back from you all then I can reopen it at the correct price. It was an honest mistake.
9 years ago - Snapwire ended the submission while they change the fee error. It was supposed to be $20, sorry for the confusion
9 years ago - I made one.. why did the submission end early? I'll upload to my page in case you'd like to have a look. :) @joe_flip_101
9 years ago - @bassi can you make the same design with the picture of her on this site with her image flipped looking the other way? Also, is the skyline Mpls? If not can you find a similar St Paul or Mpls skyline? Thanks
9 years ago - You nominated it. First one in lineup.
9 years ago - @mgcatfish, I dont see your picture
9 years ago - @joe. I see you liked my last submission but not nominated. I can easily flip her to face the same direction per instruction. Do you like the text, coloring, etc? I have only one more submission available. Or I can come up with new.
9 years ago - Also, please flip the female picture 180 degrees so we are facing the same direction
9 years ago - Pictures can be downloaded at and
9 years ago - Pictures can be downloaded at and
9 years ago - Hi Joe, Can you let me know where can I download the photos please. Thank you.
9 years ago - I can post up to 3 more variations. Let me know if you want a variation. I can adapt them to your preference
9 years ago - I'm open to other ideas with text placement, font, and picture placement
9 years ago - @Joe Filipovich: this is your photos that i used and the the only way i can post it is by saying its my photo and I have permission if thats not the case then let me know and I will remove these at once, thanks
9 years ago - That's how I read it too. Would you like to send them via email?
9 years ago - The way I read your request is to modify your pictures into a new photo. How do I get a copy of your 2 photos?