Mysterious Cottage Exterior

Book Cover
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We are looking for an image of a dark mysterious cottage that looks like it could be located in the UK. Think rainy day or haunted (nothing too sunny). Image will be used for a book cover.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - @jpouech I've found a couple of very suitable cottages... As in, they're old, mossy, lived in but mysterious looking... If you fancied re-opening this that is!
9 years ago - I agree @Steve & @Anna, the brief needed a better description of what was required. I find out after I submitted my two photos that black and white aren't necessarily desirable.
9 years ago - I agree with Steve and Anna. It would be very helpful to have more info.
9 years ago - @Snapwire I have all weekend to look and shoot for this (on the assumption it will be extended again!) but we all need something more than this brief offers. It's a lot of money to offer for something with such a vague description and no inspirational images...
9 years ago - @snapwire Assuming the client didn't like any photos submited on a second round either? Can we get any more direction as to what are they looking for? Thanks!
9 years ago - Agreed!
9 years ago - @suzie @stevewarwick @snapwire ...and it would help if the Client nominated some, just to give us a better idea of what they're looking for
9 years ago - @Suzie yeah, there's loads around here! But English cottages vary so much that I can't choose which type to go out to photograph! Thatched, farm, flint, bath stone, postcard etc
9 years ago - @stevewarwick, loads of cottages around Wimpole, Kneesworth, and Bassingbourn.
9 years ago - @Snapwire gotcha! Thank you. I'll get driving around some country roads...
9 years ago - Also @stevewarwick the client didn't specify Color or Black & White but Color is always a good idea since they can convert to Black & White later.
9 years ago - @stevewarwick a livable cottage shot in a dark fashion (not necessity derelict). Book covers are usually vertical and need room for copy but the client said all orientations/images will be accepted since designers will be working on this in the end and can work with anything.
9 years ago - @Robin, ah mistake, this is a request not a challenge. Many thanks.
9 years ago - @Suzie: Your Snapwire level determines how many submissions you can have for Challenges & Requests-not the buyer. Read the 'About leveling' link at the bottom of the page. Timing varies and is up to the buyer.
9 years ago - I agree with Steve, and also why only 2 submits allowed? This request vanished for a few hours yesterday too...can you give us some reassurance to our questions please?
9 years ago - @jpouech could you give some more details please - Do you want a derelict cottage or just a cottage shot in a dark fashion? Photo orientation? Black and white or just dulled down colours? I live in the UK and have got loads of opportunity for this shot but need to know more what I'm looking for!
9 years ago - Any preference on B&W or colour?