Latina women

print, digital and social media
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Latina woman in her everyday life: could be cooking, playing with children or friends, dancing, exercising, shopping, outdoor activities, etc.

These photos need to relate to lifestyle for the Latina consumer. They need to look natural, in the moment and beautiful color. They don't have to be these scenarios but need to relate to what she might do in her everyday life. It could be cooking, playing with children or friends, dancing, exercising, shopping, outdoor activities, etc. It's an expression of her life.
The talent should be a Latina and should be healthy, look nice and not stereotypical Latina.
• Variations in skin tone: light, medium, dark
• Natural look, pleasant, attractive, natural beauty

Stay away from really dark clothing, should be non seasonal, current and in style.
Ideally, the woman would have a free hand or foot to help us connect the women in a chain (please see examples).

Image MUST be talent released. We may request the talent release for our records.

Will be used for print advertising including but not limited to magazine ads, point of sale, direct mail, etc. Digital and social media use as well.

Files need to be high res, at least 10" @ 300dpi.

Please reach out if you have any questions!

Lifestyle People
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - thanks for your nominations. I do appreciate it. Diego
10 years ago - Thanks for your invite!!