3 young adults standing shoulder-to-shoulder

a poster
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Want a photo of 3 20-somethings standing shoulder-to-shoulder and staring into the camera.

From viewer's left-to-right, it should be Male-Female-Female, or Male-Male-Female. Try also placing left and right persons very slightly behind the center person (so try this formation: -_-). Hopefully that makes sense.

The tone and expression should be of one of confidence and readiness. These three people know they can change their community for the better (and that they know it's up to them to do so). Attaching images of people holding a badge with a similar expression to this. Photos do NOT need to be edited like the attachments! These are JUST for example facial expressions. Shoot and submit in natural light, indoor or outdoor fine.

Miscellaneous People Portraiture Social Issues Youth Culture
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Wonderful 😊 Thank you
10 years ago - @nicoleknox, beautiful perspective! I only think it could have a female in it, perhaps replacing the middle male model.
10 years ago - @clairefleck, good question, I like your submission! Let's go landscape for now, with a fair amount of headspace. @bertymandagie, I like yours too! Its just that the guy on the viewer's right may be a little too funky for our uses.
10 years ago - would you prefer the photograph to be portrait or landscape?