Hybrid taxi fleet

Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Need photo of hybrid taxi fleet. Timing 3 weeks for AutoZone with use in Trade publications and possible web banners. Budget is $150 each up to 4.

First photo is a sample of what is being used now. I need an updated image of taxi hybrids. Very generic that does not show logos or ads on top of car...can certainly say TAXI. Am available to answer any questions if needed.

Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Hi was just wondering if you will be purchasing any other photos. Thanks.
10 years ago - A little late but thanks a lot for the purchase and the rating!
10 years ago - @autozone will you be making any purchases?
10 years ago - I also have un-cropped higher res versions of previous shots.
10 years ago - Thanks for the nom. I'm throwing in a couple more...
10 years ago - Thank you for all the nominations. It's much appreciated. Hope one of them will work for you.
10 years ago - Thanks very much for the nominations.
10 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination!