Xmas Lights Reflected in Car or ?- Pls. read brief

Company Holiday Cards
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Our company does auto accident reconstruction and are looking for an artistic holiday/winter photo for our Christmas cards, distribution of about 50.

We love the idea of Christmas lights reflected in a shiny car. Or a holiday night scene long exposure with cars driving through. If someone is good with graphic design it would be cool to have one of our models done in Christmas lights or ribbon (see inspiration photos for model example). Open to other interpretations as well, anything that is pretty enough for a card and relates to cars, highways, and/or engineering.

Please look over our website for inspiration- shots can incorporate our tools, models, process, etc. It should NOT look like a car sales ad, nothing that makes it look like a brand or dealership promotion. Definitely no bows on cars, please.


Automotive Holidays
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Thanks for the excellent submissions everyone. There were a lot of great contenders! We'll post other requests in the future for sure...
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination...!
10 years ago - Thanks for nominating my photo!
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination :)
10 years ago - We nominated a few photos that are on the right track. A combo of the 3 nominated car photos would be perfect- colored lights covering a larger surface of a sleek car, but not too dark.