First Aid - The Recovery Position (Update)

blog articles
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Following a theme from a previous request I'm after action shots of kids performing the first aid move "The Recovery Position", for blog use.

These are photos for a set of online blogs being written on why kids should learn first aid. The photos should show kids performing the steps of 'The recovery position' on either other kids or adults. As this might be a little more complex, I've included a set of sample poses as an idea of what I'm looking for. Apologies for the quality, but they should give the idea.

Indoor or outdoor is fine, and the angles can vary - they don't need to match the samples necessarily, but, a mix of close ups and wider shots, as in the examples would be good.

In terms of composition, the preference would be for the first aider to be younger than the victim, if both participants are kids.

Update: The second example image was just added. The client is looking for additional positions like these two.

Education Families Kids People
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Thanks you really much Mark! I hope we can help you some more.
10 years ago - @canjo I'm glad they've been fun to shoot - invitation to my final request has been sent!
10 years ago - Thank you for the purchases. These first aid requests have been so much fun. Glad to know there is one more! Thanks again!
10 years ago - Thank you for the purchases and the rating. It was a fantastic experience for me and the kids being part of this requests.
10 years ago - Thank you for the nominations Mark. I hope you got the requiered photos for the project.
10 years ago - Thanks for submitting against this request. There are some great pics that fit the bill nicely. Will be making choices later. I have one final request in this series on kids and emergency first aid coming up, and should have a bit more budget per photo this time.
10 years ago - Thnx for the request! I'll work on it soon and hope it's to the client's liking.
10 years ago - @marivel71 You are welcome.
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination Mark. I thought it could be useful a photo of a small person asking for help.
10 years ago - @madeofjam Ty very much, I almost forgot to add the last picture.
10 years ago - Thanks for the images so far - i'm looking to use a number of them. I've asked snapwire to amend a sample image (not live yet) as there a couple of shots my commissioning client has told me they'd like that weren't in my original samples. (dropbox link to new sample
10 years ago - Thanks so much for the nominations!
10 years ago - Thank you very much for the nominations!
10 years ago - @madeofjam Thanks for the invite, I hope these pics are what you are looking for
10 years ago - I sincerely thank you again for the nominations! This is a fabulous request!
10 years ago - @canjo Thanks for the submission, great photos. As I'm after a number of shots I'm in nomination mode today!
10 years ago - Thanks for the nominations!
10 years ago - My pleasure, thx for the nomination! @madeofjam
10 years ago - @jpatd You are welcome, thanks for the submissions.
10 years ago - Thanks a lot for the request, it's actually my firsth specific one. Don't hesitate to take contact.
10 years ago - @suefagg Thank you, any shots would be appreciated, I know this isn't the easiest of requests!
10 years ago - Thank you for the request. It may be difficult I'm afraid as I'm away for a few days... But I will see what I can do!