Looking for Images of Hobbyists

ad agency / client is private
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Looking for Images of Hobbyists

- Horizontal and Vertical formats
- All Ethnicities, sexes
- 18 - 40
- candid lifestyle and / or posed portrait
- on location (not studio)

Shot List / Role:
- cyclist
- hiker
- mountain climber
- runner
- photographer / videographer
- painter / illustrator
- sports
- collector (comic books, stamps, figures, etc)
- beermaker
- cook
- baker
- woodworker
- other, any other hobbys
- birdwatcher
- crossword

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Required (if applicable)
Lifestyle Portraiture Reportage

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - @vickylynn I don't think it's appropriate to promote Snapwi.re's competition here. That is why I did not specifically mention the site(s) that @magsmlynch regularly posts the same photo requests at twice+ the budget of here.
9 years ago - @Kevin Campbell I an new with this. What are some of the other sites that purchase photos?
9 years ago - She's not an end buyer. She's a reseller. You can see for yourself on her website. It's the reason she never discloses who the client is.
9 years ago - I clicked on her name and looked at all of her requests.
9 years ago - How do you know?
9 years ago - Also twice as much $ on Image Brief.
9 years ago - I have my doubts about this buyer....24 closed requests....and only one purchase...very few nominations.
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