Old School Brooklyn Photos

Need to be hi-res enough to OOH
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Looking for VINTAGE images of the following. All must have talent releases:

- Shea Stadium
- Brooklyn Bridge (Many I saw have the Twin Towers in them which we'd like to avoid. But I saw some with the view looking into Brooklyn which will work)
- Local businesses such as cafes, butchers, bakeries
- NYC Pizza joint (interior or exterior)
- Coney Island (Playing games, Ferris Wheel, Cyclone, Hot Dogs, beach)
- Kids playing street sports, Stick Ball, baseball, catch, playing in fire hydrants
- Brooklyn Apartments, doorways, buildings
- Subway car, subway station
- Brooklyn Botanical Garden
- Old School halloween costumes
- old-school graffiti on subway cars or buildings
- classic cars with people hanging out around them.


Closed because I no longer need visuals for this project

Thanks for your help!

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Required (if applicable)
Location :
Brooklyn, NY, United States

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Closed because I no longer need photos for this project. Thanks for your help!
9 years ago - Hello, I would like to upload a photo of FDNY Engine 205, Ladder 118 in Brooklyn for which I do not have a property release. However to my knowledge, government-buildings do not require a property release. Can I still upload my photo?
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