
MTY Group Client
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Would would love to see beautiful rustic Italian photos that will hang in a downtown Toronto restaurant.

Please submit either scenery of farms, landscapes, terra cotta roof tops, etc. (no people). They must be from Italy though and high res so we can print them large. There is the possibility we will be purchasing more than one.

Architecture Landscape Travel
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Hi, I joined Snapwire after this challenge closed. I don't have any orange bicycles but I have hundreds of pictures of northern Italy that are quite beautiful. If you'd like to see them I'll post them to my profile, just let me know, thanks.
10 years ago - I have many great pictures of Italy! I didn't notice that the request closed so fast.. If there is a way to maybe open up submitting for just one more day that would be awesome!
10 years ago - I just had them on an external and did know this request was ending so soon :-/
10 years ago - Iv got a butt load more photos of italy from my trip if you want to see them before choosing a winner.
10 years ago - I already posted some pictures into my portfolio, but I will try to find some more pictures to post there. Have fun selecting these pictures!!!
10 years ago - I hope that you like my pictures. I am loading some more pictures into my portfolio. Please take a look. Thanks.
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination, Marie and everyone. The orange bike is still in my portfolio. Can you use it from there? I can add it to my submissions if you wish.
10 years ago - And the red
10 years ago - Thank you for nominating my image of Venice and the red
10 years ago - @albyn we see you have an orange bike in your portfolio, submit it if you would like to!
10 years ago - Also would any of you happen to have a bike image, an orange bike maybe in an ally in Italy?
10 years ago - Hello All! Thanks for the all the submission so far... The team here has nominated a few images so you can see where the direction has gone... The logo for our new brand is a burnt orange and we're looking for images with a similar orange or orange tones in it.
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!
10 years ago - Thank you for the invitation, Marie! I just posted some pics of typical Italian places, hoping to meet the needs of MTY Group
10 years ago - Marie, I will try to find some for you. I traveled to Italy a few years ago. I will try to upload them soon.
10 years ago - Thank you for the invite Marie I have posted several pictures, hopefully you will find some you like.
10 years ago - I hope you like my submissions, this was a fun request! I have a bazillion more to choose from, if you don't quite see what you want :)
10 years ago - Thank you for the invite, Marie. I will upload what I have, although all of my Italy work is from a film camera.
10 years ago - Thank you for the invite. ;)
10 years ago - Thank you for invitation Marie, as soon as possible I'll upload some high res photos of our country. I wanna be very careful in the choise.
10 years ago - Hello Marie, thanks a lot for your invite! Please consider that I have already submitted 5 pictures yesterday!
10 years ago - Thank you for the ivite, I downloaded five pictures hope you like them
10 years ago - Thank you for the invite to this request, I have added 20 images for you.