Someone de-icing his/her car

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Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We want an authentic photo of someone spraying a homemade de-icer on the windshield or scraping ice off the windshield.

Looking for a photo of someone scraping ice off a vehicle’s windshield, or preparing it for an upcoming storm. Two options available (one option per photo):

1. The person is using a spray bottle to spray a homemade de-icer onto a vehicle’s windshield. For the purposes of the photo, the spray bottle could just contain water. This photo would be taken in the early evening, so that it looks like the person is preparing the car for the harshness of winter that comes during the early hours of the day. However, you’d still be clearly able to make out what the person is doing.

2. The second option is of a person who is under obvious stress of trying to scrape ice off his/her vehicle’s windshield. He/she’d be using an ice scraper and have a facial expression that says “This is so much work! The ice just will NOT go away!” The facial expression shouldn't look staged, though. This photo would be taken during the daylight and the windshield would show a decent amount of ice on it.

Both options have some of the same constants: the person should 18–45 years old, the vehicle is fairly new and in good visual condition, the photo would be taken in the winter with snow either present of traces of it left, the person is appropriately dressed for the winter (jacket, hat, mittens), the activity is taking place outdoors (think an apartment parking lot or a driveway). The photo should be horizontal, taken with a professional camera, and have appropriate depth of field.

Lifestyle People Seasons Street Transportation

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - @jpatd We're like one of the images you submitted (ID: 548358fc7a3cb2ac033a1f4e) but it appears to be out of focus or has a little camera shake. Do you have another image from this angle, or are you willing to re-shoot and re-submit?
9 years ago - @Alex M. Thank you very much!
9 years ago - @jpatd Thanks for the submissions. We've nominated a few of them. Nice work!
9 years ago - @deebutterflies Thanks for the submission. Unfortunately, the ice aspect is a key component for the context in which the photo will be used.
9 years ago - @mnlottery I've put up some shots. I hope it's anything you will find useful. Don't hesitate to ask for something more specific.
9 years ago - @Alex M. Not a picture scraping ice of car but one that needs it. Maybe can be used?