Beautiful Herb Gardens

Mother Earth Living magazine
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We want lovely photos of herb gardens for a feature about the best medicinal herbs to grow at home.

We'd love to see photos of individual herbs growing, but you could mix in some nice photos of the plants being used in the kitchen, provided they look fresh-picked from the garden. Plants included: echinacea, lemon balm, yarrow, chamomile, peppermint, thyme, oregano, rosemary, ginseng, goldenseal, mullein, St. John's wort.

We want the images to feel light and airy for an early spring issue of the magazine (March/April). Use of light is very important.

For photos of each individual plant we would pay $50. But we also need a gorgeous opening photo for the article, which we would pay $200. It should be a photo of a home herb garden that includes several of the herbs mentioned in the list above.

Home and Garden Landscape Plants

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination!