we need photos of a point of sale system in a store enviroment showing a cashier about to touch the screen with a customer on the other side
The picture needs to be facing the customer from the cashier side. The cashier is about to touch the POS screen and we can see the hardware very well. She must be using a touch screen POS as she is about to touch it. The customer is waiting and in the back you can see the store. Ideally the store would be a modern gourmet grocery. So to remember, focus needs to be that we see the hardware POS screen
We sell in grocery, supermarket, bakery, pharmacy, liquor store
we are going to insert our pos screen shot into it so make sure there isnt any glare on the pos screen
first pic of the employee touching the screen and theres a customer
the second pic we like the gourmet store
and the third pic needs to be the opposide side of the cashier
any questions dont hesitate to ask
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