Album Cover

Album Cover
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

I'm looking for an album cover for my EP A Slow Motion Jump on a Trampoline. I like images with people and surrealist undertones. Needs to be at least 1600x1600 pixels. Pixel size too small to upload sample photos, but I've been looking at images of kids with jetpacks suspended in air on a trampoline, a kid suspended horizontally in the air, a woman with an umbrella walking off a roof onto a trampoline, etc.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Photo Size :
2MP+ (ex: 1600x1200px+)
Model Release :
Required (if applicable)
Art Conceptual Kids People Youth Culture

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Thank you, everyone!
9 years ago - Thanks you for the nomination
9 years ago - thanks for the nomination, let me know if you wish a different editing. thx
9 years ago - I have a pic that matches this description, except I took the pic on a flip phone a few years ago, so I'm not sure if you'd want it... it's of my 4 yr old son, 1 yr old in the pic, jumping on a trampoline type thing at a festival, with a huge smile on his face and he's in the air in the pic...
9 years ago - I don't have anyone in the image. I have a graphic of someone, instead. Why do you require a model release.
9 years ago - Thank you for the opportunity to create a visual medium to compliment your album/all the creativity within your music. I loved how you communicated your vision to us :) An album is an art form and adventure in itself. Thank you again for your consideration.
9 years ago - Thank you!
9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!! I appreciate it so much!!
9 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination,- it would be such an honour to provides picture for a cover. Good luck with the desicion 😊
9 years ago - Hi Rachael. Thank you for your request. Is there a sample of your music online for listening? I create some LP cover and for me its useful to hear the music. Thank you
9 years ago - Thanks for the nomination
9 years ago - thanks for the nomination :)
9 years ago - @Rachael Zerbato Thank-You for the nomination, designing an album cover sounds like a fun project to undertake - Best of Luck with your album !
9 years ago - Thank you very much for the nomination!