The available stock photography for romance novel covers is overexposed. I'm looking for a few fresh images in the mode that we jokingly refer to as WPAK. (White People Almost Kissing.) Studio shots work best, because distracting backgrounds can prevent a good application of title / author text.
IMPORTANT: the models cannot be grinning at each other! I need DRAMA. The happily-ever-after has not yet arrived.
The models must be convincingly in their 20s. Attractive and fit. Models' clothing should be neutral. Jeans on the guy and non-distracting T-shirt. LIGHT makeup on the girl. Athletic build. Model release a must.
If this is not enough information, I'd happily provide more detail!
I saw gorgeous art, but the subjects just did not come close enough to my character descriptions. Ultimately my cover designer went with an image of a single subject. Thank you SO MUCH for submitting!
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