Bottled water buyer's struggle

Advertising campaign
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Modern condominium resident who currently buys bottled water coming home and struggling with carrying cases of bottled water.

Prefer shot to include atmosphere of inside a upscale condominium, the front of the building, the lobby, underground parking entrance. Prefer inside lobby at or near the elevator. Model will be holding and struggling to carry cases of bottled water while trying to get into the elevator or push the elevator button.

Model s/b female 30-40, who would have a young family with 1 pre-teen child, university educated, contemporary urbanite (time-poor, city-proud, media-literate, brand-centric, trend-sensitive, and culturally-aware), avg hh income of 100K+, Chinese / Philipino / Western European heritage.

She could also have a young child in tow or be with her male spouse or young child. Intention of the shot is to communicate that it is a real hassle to have to buy and carry cases of bottled
water every week, she is tired of doing it!

Note: no brand names should be visible on cases of bottled water if possible, please try to limit exposing water bottler brands in shots.

Messages from photographers are welcomed.

Closed because I no longer need visuals for this project

Messed up on selecting time frame

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Photo Size :
6MP+ (ex: 2816x2112px+)
Model Release :
Required (if applicable)
Location :
North America
Buildings Couples Families Food and Drink People
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Closed because I no longer need photos. Messed up on selecting time frame