Minimal Winter

Personal Use
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

I want something white and minimal for my living room. I was thinking winter related because that's my favorite season and I have a white and navy themed living room which is very minimalistic. Nothing with people's faces. No other colors besides blues, whites and grays unless the color is barely there. It doesn't HAVE to be minimal for me to purchase but it is preferred. I want four images. I want square but don't worry because I may crop it myself.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Nature Landscape Aerial Seasons
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!! Appreciate it so much :)
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination! I hope you find what you are looking for:)
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination...:)
10 years ago - Thank you Candy for the nomination:-)
10 years ago - Thank you for the nominations!
10 years ago - @CreatingCandice - I appreciate the nomination!
10 years ago - Incense and Peppermints! Thanks for the nomination!
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination
10 years ago - Thank you for the nominations!
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!!!
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!!
10 years ago - Thank you very much for nomination!!!
10 years ago - Thank You for nominating my photograph! The color and crop can be adjusted if needed.
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination :)
10 years ago - nothing about nomination?
10 years ago - HEY CANDICE >>>I hope you like icebergs---LOL. I have many others from my trip to Antarctica. ~~~Keep on keeping on !
10 years ago - Just submitted two great pics I took after this crazy snow storm! Hope you enjoy they pure whites and clear images!
10 years ago - @CreatingCandice I've uploaded a couple playing with minimal unique crisp blues and whites... Will have to edit a couple of landscapes tomorrow for you...